  • 316-413-2240

Dr. Derek Barrett

Chiropractor & Owner

Dr. Derek Barrett, D.C. received his Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Exercise Physiology from Kansas State University. His passion for understanding the human body combined with his love and calling to help people, propelled him to further his education post undergraduate school. Upon witnessing, learning and experiencing several accounts of true healing, he began to understand that the body could in fact heal itself from above down and inside out. This lead him to pursue a career in the chiropractic profession. He received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Cleveland University Kansas City where he graduated with Cum Laude honors and met his wife Dr. Andrea Odbert. Dr. Derek has post-graduate training in several areas of alternative care, including specialty training in Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care.

Dr. Derek is passionate about offering hope to those who have tried everything with little to no success. He believes that principled chiropractic is one of the most efficient tools in achieving a greater standard and quality of life for humanity. Dr. Derek is dedicated to giving world-class care through intentional, specific, neurologically-based chiropractic care because he has witnessed this type of care change so many lives, including his own. He is excited to be a part of your journey toward a better life.

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